In and through artistic practice and experiment with diverse audiences and arts-students worldwide, a fluid model of ingredients or 'dimensions' of experience was conceived to better analyze and create experiences. An experience is build up from an infinite number of elements, for instance consider: the weather, how you slept, if your train was late and you came running towards this experience (still feeling you breath what color of light you are in, what things you read or saw related to the experience you are seeing, with whom ... – Read more.
Composing modes of perceiving Through the use of 14 experiential dimensions. Masterclass at ERRANT SOUND, BERLIN 18 December 2021 By looking at fourteen modes of experience, of which ‘hearing’ is one, Victorine van Alphen will look into shaping different states of perception. By viewing each mode of experience as an instrument within a sensorial orchestra, Victorine explores how complex experiences can be composed and can significantly influence the overall experience of an exhibited art work. Three key ... – Read more.
‘The Artificial Intimacy Quiz’ invites you into the position of creator. You are confronted with radical decisions and human subtleties distilled from 'IVF-X: Posthuman parenting in hybrid reality', a futuristic cyborg clinic. Van Alphen questions our intimate relationship to the digital realm - and thus our own physicality - experientially. Through the cyborg clinic she has witnessed over 100 ‘couples' and singles eager to breed and meet their own cyborg babies, while navigating intimate reproduction desires & ... – Read more.
Cormac Power (2008) .... [highlights] the key aspect of the liveness of a performance, as opposed to a live recording or broadcast, which is 'the potential for discourse between the processes of presentation and the processes of preparation...and reception', which 'are never finished until the performance is 'finished'' (in Power 2008: 157). Scott, J., 2012. Dispersed and Dislocated: The construction of liveness in live intermedial performance. Body, Space & Technology, 11. DOI: ... – Read more.
How do we remain alien enough to a technology to recognize and play with its character, meaning and even absurdity, while being familiar enough to be able to dream in its internal logic*? As part of my graduate research in the context of the Research Master of Film, I collaborated with the Visual Effects & Immersive Media department ‘with these alien eyes and method’. The months grew into a year and from these experiments and collaborations the ideas for the IVF-X exhibition/VR-experience were created. This research ... – Read more.
One of my specialities is being able to navigate the unknown. In all my work, whether for governments or galleries, I experiment. These experiments are open ended. Often I use experimental methods that lead but never define or restrict my research. They grow. Here some glimpses of methods that I used, sketched, sculpted, transformed and trashed throughout my Reseach at the Filmacademy, the most important one you can find under the post Dreaming like an Alien. Artistic research Method developed for Glasgow based curator ... – Read more.